Lütfi Özkök: Portreler / Portraits - ArtDog Istanbul

Lütfi Özkök: Portreler / Portraits

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Discover the “Lütfi Özkök: Portraits” photography exhibition in your home with the virtual tour presented by the Istanbul Modern Photography Gallery. The exhibition features the internationally renowned photographer
Lütfi Özkök’s (1923-2017) photographs of 80 leading figures in art and literature starting from the 1950s.
“Lütfi Özkök: Portraits” invites viewers to witness a period while contemplating the various meanings of portrait photography. Along with the photographs, the virtual tour also features a documentary, texts and voice recordings, documents and visuals on Lütfi Özkök’s life.

Kaynak: https://www.istanbulmodern.org/tr/sergiler/lutfi-ozkok-portreler-sanal-tur_2462.html


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