Emre Baykal to take the lead at Arter - ArtDog Istanbul

Emre Baykal to take the lead at Arter

As of December 31, 2023, Arter's Founding Director Melih Fereli readies to transfer his position to Arter Chief Curator Emre Baykal.


As of December 31, 2023, Arter’s Founding Director Melih Fereli will transfer his position as Arter Director, which he has held since its establishment, to Arter Chief Curator Emre Baykal.

Melih Fereli has been the culture and arts consultant of the Vehbi Koç Foundation, Turkey’s first private foundation, since 2005, and has been the Founding Director of Arter for the last 13 years. Fereli, who has also curated many exhibitions, played an active role in the work carried out for the development and continuity of contemporary art in our country, in addition to his contributions to the Vehbi Koç Foundation and the Koç Group during this period.

Emre Baykal, who has been working as Chief Curator at Arter since 2016, where he started working as Exhibitions Director and Curator in 2008, will assume the position of Arter Director as of January 1, 2024.

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