Wim Wenders’ film documents Anselm Kiefer - ArtDog Istanbul
Anselm Trailer

Wim Wenders’ film documents Anselm Kiefer

Wim Wender's documentary film Anselm is expected to hit the theaters on Dec 8.


A monumental artist deserves a monumental documentary, and that is what Anselm Kiefer receives in Wim Wenders’ new film, titled simply Anselm.

Wenders shot it in 3D and 6K resolution, documenting the German-born painter and sculptor who makes work on a truly grand scale. We have your first look at the documentary, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, in the trailer above. It will play at the Telluride Film Festival this weekend, where Wenders will receive the Silver Medallion Award recognizing his career achievements. (Wenders’ narrative feature, Perfect Days, also will screen in Telluride). The documentary from Sideshow and Janus Films will be released in select U.S. theaters on December 8.

Anselm “presents a cinematic experience of the artist’s work which explores human existence and the cyclical nature of history, inspired by literature, poetry, philosophy, science, mythology and religion,” according to a synopsis of the film. “For over two years, Wenders traced Kiefer’s path from his native Germany to his current home in France, connecting the stages of his life to the essential places of his career that spans more than five decades.”

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