The world's first AI art gallery opens in Amsterdam - ArtDog Istanbul

The world’s first AI art gallery opens in Amsterdam

The world's first-ever art gallery powered by Artificial Intelligence has opened in Amsterdam


The world’s first-ever art gallery powered by Artificial Intelligence has opened at the Dead End Gallery in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The gallery showcases art pieces produced by machines and algorithms, such as digital paintings and interactive installations. According to Constant Brinkman, a representative from Dead End AI Gallery, they are the pioneer in exhibiting physical AI-generated art and artists. Brinkman further explains that software developers initially instructed the software to create a fictional artist, which led to the birth of the artificial artist, Irisa Nova.

Brinkman says each of these artworks is unique. However, they are not flawless.

“If you look closely you will see in the paintings that most hands have six fingers,” says Brinkman, adding that it will be resolved within weeks as the AI creators are getting better.  Many traditionalist connoisseurs are asking themselves this very question, since there is no soul behind the work. Others have labelled the trend as a fraudulent farce which infringes on copyright.

“I like to look at it, it’s decorative. Someone will certainly be willing to pay some money for it, I suspect. But I have different requirements for art,” says art appraiser Patricia Jansma.  On the other hand, when asked what their paintings are worth, AI artist Irisa Nova had her answer ready, saying: “The estimated asking price for the curator could vary between €3,000 and €10,000.”

Whether it is considered art or not, the AI gallery is certainly fuelling the discussion about how technology can change the art world – specifically since the gallery believes that AI artists and their works will play an important role in the future of the art world.

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