The Most Expensive Books in the World - ArtDog Istanbul
Fotoğraf: Prateek Katyal.

The Most Expensive Books in the World

Historical manuscripts that changed history, bindings that became works of art, and the rarest treasures of literature... Take a look at the fascinating stories behind the world's most expensive books!


Historical manuscripts that changed history, bindings that became works of art, and the rarest treasures of literature… Take a look at the fascinating stories behind the world’s most expensive books!

Books are not only a source of knowledge but also hold great value historically, artistically, and materially. The world’s most expensive books can reach incredible prices due to their limited prints, meticulous craftsmanship, and historical significance. In this article, we explore the world’s most expensive books, which attract the attention of collectors, institutions, and literary enthusiasts. Each book in our list has its own unique and impressive history, which makes them exceptional. If you are curious about the most valuable books ever sold, this guide will introduce you to the most precious treasures of literary history.

Factors That Make a Book Expensive


Before exploring the world’s top 20 most expensive books, it’s helpful to understand what makes a book worth millions of dollars:

  • Historical Importance – Books connected to pivotal events in history tend to attract high prices.
  • Rarity – The fewer copies there are, the higher the demand. Some books exist in only 10 or fewer copies worldwide.
  • Author and History – Books written by legendary authors or owned by famous individuals become significantly more valuable.
  • Craftsmanship – Ancient manuscripts, ornate texts, and extraordinary illustrations increase the value of a book.

Codex Leicester – Leonardo da Vinci
Price: $30.8 Million (Purchased by Bill Gates in 1994)
This manuscript, containing Leonardo da Vinci’s scientific observations, offers insights into astronomy, the movement of water, and physical phenomena. Written in the famous “mirror writing” technique, it provides a unique window into the mind of one of history’s greatest geniuses.

Codex Leicester, Leonardo da Vinci.

Henry the Lion Gospels
Price: $11.7 Million (Sold at auction in 1983)
Commissioned by Duke Henry the Lion of Saxony in the 12th century, this manuscript is one of the most beautiful examples of medieval art. Its elegant decorations and fine craftsmanship make it one of the world’s most valuable religious texts.

Henry the Lion with his wife, Queen Matilda of England, at the ducal coronation ceremony, from the Henry the Lion Gospel Book.

The Birds of America – John James Audubon
Price: $11.5 Million (Sold at auction in 2010)
One of the most famous nature books of the 19th century, The Birds of America features 435 life-sized bird illustrations. Audubon’s extraordinary attention to detail and scientific accuracy makes this work indispensable for collectors.

The fourth volume of The Birds of America is on display at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.

The Bay Psalm Book
Price: $14.2 Million (Sold in 2013)
Published in 1640 in British North America, The Bay Psalm Book is the first book printed in the United States. With only 11 copies remaining, it is one of the rarest and most valuable books in the world.

Rothschild Prayerbook
Price: $13.6 Million (Sold in 2014)
Created by Flemish artisans in the early 1500s, this manuscript is a masterpiece adorned with gold leaf decorations. Its rarity and exceptional artistry make it highly desirable for collectors.

An opening from the Rothschild Prayer Book; Requiem Mass on the left.

St. Cuthbert Gospel
Price: $14.3 Million
Dating back to the 7th century, this book is one of the oldest manuscripts in Europe. It was buried with St. Cuthbert and rediscovered in 1104.

The St. Cuthbert Gospel (formerly known as the Stonyhurst Gospel) is the oldest surviving European book that remains undamaged. Photo: British Library.

Shakespeare’s First Folio
Price: $9.98 Million (Sold in 2020)
Published in 1623, this work contains 36 of Shakespeare’s plays, including Hamlet, Macbeth, and Othello. With only 230 copies in existence today, it is one of the most valuable pieces of English literature.

William Shakespeare’s First Folio. Photo: Victoria and Albert Museum.

Gutenberg Bible
Price: $35 Million+ (Parts sold for millions of dollars)
Printed in the 1450s, the Gutenberg Bible was the first book to be printed with movable type and symbolizes the birth of the printing press.

William Shakespeare’s First Folio. Photo: Victoria and Albert Museum.

Canterbury Tales – Geoffrey Chaucer
Price: $7.5 Million+
One of the most important works of medieval English literature, Canterbury Tales is considered a cultural treasure that describes the social structure of 14th-century England.

Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon
Price: $35 Million (Purchased by the LDS Church in 2017)
This manuscript is the original handwritten version of the Book of Mormon and holds significant religious importance.

The Book of Mormon translated into Danish. (1851)

The Tales of Beedle the Bard – J.K. Rowling
Price: $3.98 Million
In 2007, J.K. Rowling handwrote and illustrated The Tales of Beedle the Bard, a book mentioned in the Harry Potterseries. Only 7 handmade copies were produced, and one was purchased by Amazon for $3.98 million. This is one of the highest prices ever paid for a book by a living author.

On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres – Nicolaus Copernicus
Price: $2.2 Million+
This work, in which Copernicus explained that the Earth is not the center of the universe but revolves around the Sun, was published in 1543. Considered one of the foundational texts of modern science, this book commands millions of dollars due to its rarity and historical significance.,

The title page of the 1543 edition of De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), in which Nicolaus Copernicus explained his theory of the Earth revolving around the Sun.

Magna Carta
Price: Priceless (Copies sold for millions of dollars)
Signed by King John of England in 1215, the Magna Carta is one of the cornerstone documents of constitutional law. While original copies are considered priceless, one copy sold for $21 million in 2007. It is regarded as one of the foundations of individual freedoms and the rule of law.

This image appears on the sixth page of the second section of the Northumberland Bestiary. In the Bible, it depicts a scene from the Book of Genesis, where Adam names the animals.

Northumberland Bestiary
Price: $5 Million+
Written during the Middle Ages, the Northumberland Bestiary is a manuscript that depicts mythical creatures and real animals. Produced in the 13th century, this work offers significant insight into medieval art and the understanding of nature.

Foucault’s Pendulum – Umberto Eco (Special Collector’s Edition)
Price: Rare collector’s edition
Umberto Eco’s symbolic novel Foucault’s Pendulum blends mystery, history, and esoteric sciences, making it one of the masterpieces of modern literature. Rare first editions and signed copies by the author fetch high prices.

Birds of the British Isles – John Gould
Price: A valuable ornithology book
John Gould’s Birds of the British Isles is famous for its groundbreaking, detailed illustrations in ornithology. Published in the 19th century, this book is highly sought after by collectors.

John Gould, The Birds of Great Britain, 5 volumes, 1st edition, 1862-73. Photo: Dominic Winter Auctions.

The Book of Kells
Price: Priceless, Ireland’s national treasure
Written in Ireland in the 9th century, The Book of Kells is considered one of the greatest works of art from Medieval Europe. It is a handwritten version of the four Gospels of the Bible, known for its elaborate illustrations. It is currently housed at the Trinity College Library in Dublin.

The Diamond Sutra (868 AD)
Price: The world’s oldest printed book
The Diamond Sutra, a Buddhist text printed in 868 in China, is the world’s known oldest printed book. Its significance lies in being one of the earliest examples of movable type printing, making it an invaluable historical artifact.

The Chinese Diamond Sutra is the world’s oldest known printed book, dating back to the 9th century, during the Tang Dynasty’s Xiantong period, 868 AD.

The Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux Price: Priceless Gothic manuscriptCreated for Queen Jeanne d’Evreux of France in the 14th century, this prayer book represents the pinnacle of Gothic art. Its handwritten nature, decorations, and historical significance make it considered priceless

Sherborne Missal

Price: $21 Million+
Written in England in the 15th century, the Sherborne Missal is one of the most elaborate and detailed prayer books. Its gold leaf decorations and craftsmanship make it one of the most valuable manuscripts in the world.

Sherborne Missal. Photograph: BBC.


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