Sci-Fi World Museum Opens On Star Trek's Famous Bridge - ArtDog Istanbul
Patrick Stewart, Michael Dorn, Brent Spinder, and Marine Sirtis on Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–94). Photo: Moviestore Collection Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo.

Sci-Fi World Museum Opens On Star Trek’s Famous Bridge

On March 27, the Sci-Fi World Museum features the Star Trek bridge as its venue. 


On March 27, the Sci-Fi World Museum opened in Santa Monica, featuring the Star Trek bridge as its venue.

The designers constructed four different versions of the Enterprise-D’s bridge for the 1987 television series, Star Trek: The Next Generation. Unfortunately, the first one was destroyed during filming when it crash-landed on the uninhabited planet Veridian III. Out of the remaining three replicas, two of them were featured in a now-defunct Las Vegas attraction, while one was sent on a global tour, reaching Trekkies in Asia and Europe.

The Hollywood Sci-Fi World Museum centerpiece is the third replica of the Enterprise-D’s bridge. The journey of restoring the iconic set designed by Michael Okuda and Herman Zimmerman has been long and circuitous. The set was saved from destruction in 2011 by a fan-led campaign called the New Starship Foundation, who then began to fund its refurbishment.


The mission of the Hollywood Science Fiction Museum (HSFM) is to teach and inspire people of all ages with an uplifting vision of the future found in science fiction media, art and literature by teaching Real Science through Science Fiction, including technology, ecology, engineering, computers, robotics, math, space travel and all aspects of filmmaking through fun, interactive exhibits and programs.

About the museum

Sci-Fi World began as New Starship Foundation in August 2012, as an effort to preserve a Paramount-built Star Trek Enterprise-D display bridge (the style seen on the hugely successful TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation). Through stories on NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, A&E,, Geekosystem, Engadget, Syfy Blaster, CBC, Mythbusters’ Tested, Star Trek Magazine and hundreds of others, the Foundation’s success shot up overnight and quickly evolved into a project that sparked the imaginations of thousands of people from all around the world.

Support continued from many Star Trek legends, including William Shatner, George Takei, Brent Spiner, Denise Crosby, Benedict Cumberbatch, Karl Urban and Ronald D. Moore. Expanding the Foundation’s purpose to include creating Sci-Fi World has helped gain additional support from the cast and crew from Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Doctor Who, and many other TV shows and films.

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