Performative installation discovering space - ArtDog Istanbul

Performative installation discovering space

In her latest installation Özge Topçu, offers a profound journey into the origins and evolution of ancient languages. T


Artist Özge Topçu is opening the doors of her new studio in Lisbon with a preview of her installation “Re-deciphered Scripts,” consisting of terracotta sculptures she has produced over the past year.

In this installation, where creativity meets a performative experience, the artist offers a profound journey into the origins and evolution of ancient languages. The languages of the rich civilizations of the Middle East are brought under scrutiny in these striking works. These pieces trace the roots of languages derived from the Phoenician alphabet, with influences from the Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Latin alphabets. However, these installations not only delve into the past of language but also question how language has evolved over the ages and led to disputes among different cultures.

While the artist’s approach incorporates cross-cultural elements, the handcrafted terracotta pieces offer a sensory experience that appeals to visual, auditory, and tactile perceptions. Representing letters, syllables, and cultural symbols, the bottles add an extra dimension to the artwork through the sound art and performances derived from the units of the installation. These pieces offer not only a visual but also an auditory and tactile experience. Viewers can physically interact with these pieces, signifying that the works not only draw the viewer in but also stimulate their thoughts and emotions.

The interplay of the artist’s previous works with space and experience and how they push the boundaries of sculpture are reflected in these pieces, demonstrating the same creative and innovative approach. These recent works reflect the linguistic and visual complexity of regions where different cultures converge, skillfully combining historical and contemporary elements. Series such as Peninsulian and Terranian creatively explore the relationship between the ancient and modern worlds, prompting viewers to contemplate.

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