Memory, Migration, Cultural Reflection

Arter is set to captivate audiences with two powerful exhibitions: Landing Prohibited by Maaria Wirkkala and Wet Floor by Fatma Bucak, both exploring themes of fragility, memory, and cultural identity.


Arter’s new exhibitions present a captivating dialogue between Yasemin Özcan’s Wet Floor and Maaria Wirkkala’s Landing Prohibited, both exploring themes of memory, migration, and cultural reflection.

Yasemin Özcan, Wet Floor, 2024. Photo: Hadiye Cangökçe.

Yasemin Özcan’s Wet Floor delves into intergenerational transmission, migration, and self-construction through the interplay of humans, earth, language, and memory. Using soil as both material and metaphor, the exhibition highlights the parallels between natural transformations and the evolution of identity and relationships. Drawing from her Alevi heritage, Özcan offers an introspective look at fragility, lineage, and modernity.

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Photo: Orhan Cem Çetin.

In Landing Prohibited, Maaria Wirkkala uses a sea of broken glass, a Venetian boat, and a suspended glass ladder to symbolize the perilous journeys of immigrants. Inspired by Venice’s “Landing Prohibited” signs, the installation draws a parallel between personal history and global anti-immigrant sentiment.

Together, these works invite reflection on the fragility of memory and the social challenges shaping the human experience.

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