Istanbul Modern’s “Art Talks”  - ArtDog Istanbul

Istanbul Modern’s “Art Talks” 

Istanbul Modern's new series “Art Talks” starts on July 9, with the participation of curator and author Fatoş Üstek.

Istanbul Modern announces a new series of talks titled “Art Talks” aiming to foster collective thinking and sharing with the audience by interpreting current issues from various disciplines through an artistic perspective. Within the scope of the series, professionals from different fields will share their research, projects, and publications with the public. The first guest is London-based curator and writer Fatoş Üstek, who will discuss her latest book, “The Art Institution of Tomorrow: Reinventing the Model”. The event will be held in Turkish.

Fatoş Üstek argues that existing systems struggle to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. Her book proposes a new model for art institutions, grounded in an extensive study of non-profit visual arts organizations and the broader creative industries. It includes insights from interviews with over 50 international leaders in the sector, outlining the necessary changes for art institutions to remain relevant in the future.

Fatoş Üstek is an independent curator and writer, working internationally. She is the author of The Art Institution of Tomorrow, Reinventing the Model (2024), Co-founder and Managing Director of non-profit community interest company FRANK Fair Artist Pay, and Curator of Frieze Sculpture in London. Üstek is a Member of the International Association of Art Critics AICA UK, ICI, IKT, and Founding Member of AWITA (Association of Women in the Arts). She was previously Director of the Liverpool Biennial, Director of the Roberts Institute of Art, Curator of Art Night, London (2017), Curator of fig-2 50 exhibitions 50 weeks, ICA London (2015), and Associate Curator of the 10th Gwangju Biennial, South Korea (2014).

The event will be held at Istanbul Modern Auditorium on 9th of July 2024, at 18:00. 


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