Arter Children’s Festival: The World and I - ArtDog Istanbul

Arter Children’s Festival: The World and I

Arter readies to host Children's Festival

Scheduled to take place between 1–3 September 2023 under the title “The World and I”, Arter Children’s Festival invites participants aged 6–11 to reflect on the world we live in, as well as our relationship with other living beings and nature through art. The festival, inspired by the artworks in Arter’s current exhibitions, will feature events tailored for all children with an interest in contemporary art and a curiosity for exploration.

The three-day festival will bring together guided exhibition tours, workshops, and events focusing on ecology and sustainability, as well as dance and performance-based activities. Throughout the festival, children will engage in lively conversations on artworks and experiment with various materials and production techniques to forge new expressive languages. The activities, which will revolve around such concepts as daily life, inclusivity, urban culture, togetherness and recycling, will encourage children to seek brand-new ways of touching the world through art by drawing from their own experiences.

The Discovery Hour activities, held free of charge in the Studio on the -1 floor of Arter, will invite all participants to create, explore and share together. Inspired by the artworks on view at Arter, the Discovery Hour will enable children to experience new production techniques and different materials every day throughout the festival. During the Reading Break, also organised free of charge, children will enjoy selected books in the company of others at the Reading Corner located on the -1 floor of Arter and participate in workshops inspired by this collective reading experience.

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