16th Istanbul Biennial

Jonathas de Andrade’s work O Peixe at old Antrepo, now Resim Heykel Museum, has virtually become the symbol of this year’s Istanbul Biennial. If the organizers at IKSV did a survey of all the works, it could have been chosen as the most

The Brightest Star of Turkish Theatre

Theatre is the stage of life. Finding and building her life around theatre, Yıldız Kenter died on November 17th 2019 at the age of ninety-one, leaving behind 100 works that she starred in and directed. A Star is “Born”           As she passed away

Michel Comte: Woken for a Long Time

Even though Comte is known for his flashy fashion photography, lately the artist has been producing works regarding the climate crisis. The journey in which photography remains in the background while multimedia works and installations on large surfaces, produced by the use

The Unknown Fate of the Chora Museum

Recently, Yenişafak Newspaper brought a case about Chora Museum to the agenda. According to the newspaper’s report, an association called Permanent Associations Historical Monuments and Service for the Environment opened a lawsuit for the conversion of the Chora Museum, which is one

A Parallel Universe, Traptown

First of all, what is Traptown about in a nutshell? In a nutshell, it’s an invented timeless mythology, a re-written mythology that is universal since most mythologies have something universal in them. Timeless, so that it can “return” time and it’s about oppression.