Archaeologists have recently made some groundbreaking discoveries in the Stone Hills (Taş Tepeler) that will leave an indelible mark on human history. Firstly, they unearthed the first-ever painted Neolithic statue from Göbeklitepe. Secondly, they discovered a 2.3-meter human statue located in Karahantepe.
The excavation team has unearthed a 350-year-old Ottoman bath in the ancient city of Parion in Kemer village of the northwestern province of Çanakkale’s Biga district. The ancient city has a history of 2,700 years and was an important port city during
Archaeologists obtain new findings every day in the ancient city of Konuralp, where archaeological excavations have been ongoing for four years with the support of Düzce Municipality. The head of a statue, found at the top of the theater and determined to