Toros Can and Beril Can

Bartók Serendipities at Arter

Arter will host pianist and educator Toros Can who has been awarded the Diapason d'Or twice, and his daughter Beril Can, for a special performance focused on Hungarian composer Béla Bartók’s Mikrokosmos (1926–1939).

On 13 October, Arter will host pianist and educator Toros Can who has been awarded the Diapason d’Or twice, and his daughter Beril Can, for a special performance focused on Hungarian composer Béla Bartók’s Mikrokosmos (1926–1939).

İKSV Mobil

Considered one of the essential sources for piano education and a seminal work dedicated to Bartók’s son Péter, Mikrokosmos consists of 153 short pedagogical pieces presented in six volumes that progress from simple to challenging etudes. In their concert “Bartók Serendipities”, Toros and Beril Can who previously recorded this holistic and enduring work at İTÜ MİAM Studios as a two-CD release in September 2023 will perform a selection of solo and duo pieces, accompanied by an informative and engaging narration.

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